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Monday, August 18, 2008

Outlook: The Poor Man's CRM

Have you ever had that uncomfortable conversation with a prospective client that went like this:
"Hi Mrs. Prospect. This is Mike calling to see if you've got some time to catch up and discuss our services."

"Thanks for the fourth follow up. As I mentioned Monday, I need some time to look at the budget. I didn't reply to your voicemails and emails on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday because I'm getting ready for budget reviews next month. Why don't you give me a little time and I'll be in touch."

Oops. Multiple calls and emails in the same week.

Having been on the "buy side" of services before, I can tell you such pestering is infuriating and dramatically decreases the chances I'll purchase services from that individual.

Now you, being entrepreneurial and driven at heart, probably get antsy waiting for return calls from prospects and may have even found yourself in the above conversation (I have).

So what's the solution outside of spending a ton of cash on a CRM solution? Outlook. Simply place a "tickler" appointment on your calendar several weeks (or even months) out as appropriate and then forget the prospect exists. Let Outlook tell you when you need to follow up.

It's easy and cheap. It will also prevent you from becoming that annoying overeager salesperson who calls all the time and never gets the sale because of it. It also demonstrates to your prospects that you're respectful of their time and that you LISTEN to what they're saying. Both of those traits should enhance your chances of landing the deal.

Anyone have any other pipeline management suggestions and tips? Let's hear them!

- Mike Figliuolo at thoughtLEADERS, LLC

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